Monday, July 21, 2014

Salon: Clueless rich kids on the rise: How millennial aristocrats will destroy our future

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July 21st, 2014
Ivanka Trump, Paris Hilton

Clueless rich kids on the rise: How millennial aristocrats will destroy our future

Today's wealthy are far more likely to have inherited their fortunes. Here's why that's going to doom our politics

Elizabeth Warren, Ted Cruz

GOP's '16 consolation vanishes: Suddenly, Democrats have the deep bench!

After Romney's 2012 loss, pundits raved about the GOP's new leaders. But two years later, Democrats have the edge

Ross Douthat

Ross Douthat's "pro-family" nonsense: Poverty is a bigger threat than helicopter parenting

Conservatives' lack of concern for kids is on full display as they grapple with the arrest of Debra Harrell

Thomas Friedman

Tom Friedman's Airbnb embarrassment

The New York Times columnist picked the wrong week to publish a press release for the sharing economy

woman body social media

Social media has to stop banning women's bodies

A naked women's rowing team is the newest example of the online double standard for which bodies are "appropriate"

Ann Coulter

7 worst right-wing moments of the week — Ann Coulter is heartless and awful

The conservative writer mocks a tearful undocumented immigrant, while Glenn Beck earns ire for not being terrible

Giorgio Moroder

Meet the godfather of electronic dance music: Giorgio Moroder's spectacular return to the spotlight

Moroder on starting his DJ career at age 74, working with Daft Punk, and the evolution of club culture

Dick Cheney, Ahmed Chalabi

"Long slide into the abyss": Cheney's old pal Ahmad Chalabi is back

A poster child for the farcical Iraq invasion is back -- and he wants to take over the world

Screen Shot 2014-07-16 at 2.49.15 PM

Scientists investigating Siberia's mysterious hole: "There is nothing mysterious about it"

Researchers theorize on the crater's appearance, report experiencing no "weird or unexplained feelings"


Drug war's massive defeat: An under-the-radar early release transformation

Despite few noticing, a key sentencing commission is whittling away at insane drug sentences. Here's how

Rand Paul

Rand Paul mocks Obamas for wanting daughters to empathize with minimum-wage workers

The first lady's desire to have her daughters understand the life of a low-wage worker is bad, apparently (UPDATED)

Colin Brazier

British reporter rummages through MH17 victim's luggage

"We shouldn't really be doing this"


This is how stock photography thinks white couples fight

If your backs aren't touching, you're not fighting SLIDE SHOW


Heat keeps rising: The world just had its warmest June on record

The planet reached a heat milestone for the second month in a row

Elisabeth Moss in

Shatter the glass ceiling by boozing like a "Mad Men" character

Businesswomen say liquor has become an "empowering" new networking tool -- but can we drink our way to equality?

Ukraine Plane

Update: Rebels to hand Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 black box over to Malaysia government

Europe weighs Russian sanctions, scammers make fake Facebook pages of victims, and looting reported at crash site VIDEO


Battleground voters' rage: In which any endorsement will only backfire

Battleground voters are skeptical of Congress and most politicians. And no endorsement's going to change that

Joe Biden

Joe Biden to Vladimir Putin: "I don't think you have a soul"

The vice president claims he told the Russian autocrat to his face that he lacked basic humanity

Red Ribbon

HIV rates have declined dramatically — except for gay men

The rise in HIV infection rates for young gay men indicate a need for better, targeted education


China's latest fast food scandal: McDonald's, KFC and Pizza Hut sold expired meat

The companies cut ties with a supplier accused of reprocessing out-of-date chicken and beef

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