Thursday, February 16, 2017

Get Back On Financial Track With A Chapter 7 Lawyer Prince William County

By Helen Long

If you are at your wits end financially and cannot repay your obligations due to job loss or reduced income, you may need to consider bankruptcy as an option. This process can be rather complex and daunting at first if you have never filed for bankruptcy before. It can be intimidating. But, there are benefits to hiring a chapter 7 lawyer Prince William county residents that can help you through this legal red tape.

There are certain criteria that you must meet in order to qualify for chapter 7 and an attorney will be able to go over your finances with you to determine if you should file or not. They can help you with the entire process from start to finish and this can reduce a lot of stress you may be under due to financial hardship.

The first order of business is getting the necessary paperwork filed. An attorney will instruct you to gather all your financial information and enter it where they instruct you to. They will help you with the finer points of the paperwork so it won't seem so daunting a task.

You will need to tell them about all your assets, real and personal property that you own as well as any expenses and income that you earn. All this information will be included in the bankruptcy and will also be used to repay part of your obligations. A trustee will be assigned and go through this with you and your attorney. You need to be fully prepared to answer their questions and having an attorney present will help you to answer those questions will be beneficial.

You will then need to meet with a trustee who will then go over your finances to determine what property they can take from you to repay some of your debts. You will lose some of your personal or real property during this process to pay off your creditors. Once your creditors are paid any remaining debt that is not exempt will then be discharged and you no longer have any obligation to pay those debts.

Having your lawyer present will ensure that your are not taken advantage of and that you retain some of your property that you need. Once your creditors have been paid, the remainder of your debts will be discharged and you are no longer obligated to repay them. Your creditors will no longer be able to contact you or sue you about these debts.

After you have been through this process, you will have a clean slate from which to begin rebuilding your life. Your attorney will be key to this entire process and it is not recommended that you attempt to file for bankruptcy on your own but to obtain the services of a qualified attorney to help you. This will ensure that the process is done right the first time and that you are not unduly taken advantage of by your creditors.

There are many benefits to having an attorney by your side during the entire process. You can find a local attorney in your area that specializes in bankruptcy laws who can help you. This is and can be the smartest move that you make to get your finances on track and get your life back.

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