Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Benefits Of Hiring A Knoxville Chapter 11 Attorney

By Cameron S. Schippers

Businesses are sometimes overwhelmed by their debts to a point that the owner may be declared bankrupt but there is some protection they are entitled to in such situations. As a business owner you can hire a Knoxville Chapter 11 attorney to petition the bankruptcy court for the chance to reorganize the debts. If you were to do this then you would be sure to enjoy the various benefits that it brings to your business.

You will benefit from an automatic stay on all litigation and collections against your business. All your creditors will cease exerting pressure on you of recovering their debts. This is always the first step towards your reorganization.

Chapter 11 offers you with the opportunity to enter negotiations with your creditors in order to restructure all the debts in a reasonable manner. The petition will make it possible to renegotiate the payment plans and interest rates on the loans. You could even reach an agreement to pay off a certain percentage as creditors will take something instead of nothing.

You will be able to continue running your business and maintain its control after filing the petition. You will be able to maintain all the relationships and reputation that you have created over the years and maintain your customers. This will enable you to continue with your business when you emerge from the bankruptcy as opposed to starting all over again.

Hiring an attorney will help you in deferring some financial obligations that your business ought to meet before your petition. You will be able to defer things like paying rent until a time that you will be in a great position to pay the rent. This will enable you to get the required funds to pay off your debts without any pressure whatsoever.

Your attorney will help you in recovering the possessions that you have lost through involuntary transfers. Once the attorney files your petition under Chapter 11 then it will be possible to recover all that your creditors had taken from you through liens, repossessions, wage garnishments and bank levies. This section of the law offers you some bankruptcy protection that allows you to recover what you could have lost through such involuntary transfers.

It will also be beneficial to your business as it will bring the possibility of curing the accelerated obligations arising from your defaults. Once you default on some of your legal obligations like mortgages, your lenders will be forced to accelerate the obligation. The lawyer will help you return this to its pre-default instead of having to pay the remaining amount at once.

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