Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Amazing Brilliance Of Swarovski Earrings

By Sharron Cantu

Jewelry is one type of accessory that can serve many purposes and has so many options and variations that it can satisfy the stylistic tastes of practically every individual. It is something that people often purchase for themselves but also enjoy receiving as gifts. Design options range from plastic beaded necklaces to beautiful gold chains, charming glass bangles to brilliant Swarovski earrings and braided hemp chokers to valuable platinum rings.

Rubies, emeralds, sapphires and diamonds are among the world's most coveted natural gemstones. Each produces a shine, sparkle and brilliance that is everlasting and radiant. Even after many years, their value and beauty remain in tact. Practically everyone would love to own jewelry made with these stones though the cost is usually much to high for the average person's budget.

To own hair pieces, bracelets, necklaces, rings or other accessories featuring these authentic gems, is something a great many people desire. Unfortunately, this is something most can only experience on a very small scale as the cost associated with such pieces are far beyond the average means. This is why most individuals will choose the more affordable alternative of quality rhinestones, which can be just as beautiful.

Rhinestones are a more cost effective, and easily obtainable, alternative to genuine gemstones. They are artificial pieces that are colored, molded or cut to replicate the various attributes of such natural stones. They may be made from several different materials including acrylic plastics, gum paste, glass and lead crystals.

The material used to construct the imitation stones will directly affect the quality of these pieces. The spectrum is wide, and at the lower end are those constructed from non-light refracting, synthetic substances like plastics and pastes which tend to result in dull colors with no sparkle. By contrast, those on the high end are made from Austrian lead crystal from the bed of the Rhine river, and possess a wonderful brilliance.

Found only in a certain area in Austria along the river, these very special crystals are the source of the term, rhinestone. These unique lead filled rocks were the first materials used to create artificial gemstones of such amazing quality. The glass, plastic and paste versions of these products soon followed as manufacturers sought a way to make more cost effective representations.

Lead crystals possess natural light refracting qualities that allow the manufacturer to create pieces that have a sparkle that is practically as brilliant as that produced by genuine rubies, diamonds, amethysts, sapphires, emeralds and other gemstones. This elite Austrian company has very high standards and put out only the best luxury products through implementing precision hand cutting methods. Every stone features at least eight, and as many as fourteen facets which heighten their brilliance.

Individuals who wish to be covered in blinding glitz, or who just want a bit of the flash that comes from wearing gems worth thousands of dollars, often choose jewelry made with these high quality lead crystal rhinestones. With all the sparkle of natural precious gemstones but at a fraction of the cost, these products are generally considered to be well worth the investment. All manner of accessories may feature these incredible accents, creating a feel of true Hollywood glamor.

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