Sunday, August 18, 2013

Is Your Business Mobile Ready?

By Michael Law

Executives and CEO's of many companies don't understand the large amount of mobile usage that's growing across the globe. Many others think that it's just a passing fad. Many companies put mobile SEO on the sidelines in their budgets.

Google has a very strong position on mobile SEO. Sites that fail to be mobile ready or mobile friendly will lose search engine rankings and potentially lose customers because they can't find you in search results.

Google has a very strong position on mobile SEO. Sites that fail to be mobile ready or mobile friendly will lose search engine rankings and potentially lose customers because they can't find you in search results.

Google is listening to mobile users and the future and smartphone users are a growing more and more. If your not using mobile SEO, your losing internet searches and chances for customers to buy.

Businesses should start changing and look at their strategy. A company should not expect a customer to fit them but change to fit the customer. Mobile usage is going to take an even more upward trend as phone become ever more smarter and people surf the web using their smart phone.

Finding a strong and successful internet marking company can help your business grow with in the search engines. Most importantly they will help aid in mobile SEO. Strategies by these SEO companies tend to stay on top of trends and know all the policies and algorithm changes of the search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing.

Top listings in search on Google takes a whopping 30%. If you come in second, you'll receive about 18% of traffic. Any lower and you'll receive almost nothing, such as coming in at number 6 you'll get about 4% of traffic. Having the number 1 spot as you can see is very important. The lower your company ranks, the lower your sales. Even just losing a few spots to your competitor can be devastating to your business.

Many companies also focus on normal organic search results. This is a downfall that should not be overlooked. Little by little these practices are slowly beginning to shed light on the on the impact of mobile search.

Executives and CEO's of many companies don't understand the large amount of mobile usage that's growing across the globe. Many others think that it's just a passing fad. Many companies put mobile SEO on the sidelines in their budgets.

In closing, make sure your company stays on top. Include mobile marketing in your business plan as soon as you can. Waiting much longer can potentially hurt your business and its sales.

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