Tuesday, August 27, 2013

How To Make A Difference In The World Through Change

By Amanda Baird

Sometimes a person needs to feel they have done their part to improve their surroundings and have an impact on those around them. Many have the desire but simply do not know where to start. Whether one wants to leave a physical change or alter a way of thinking, there are many suggestions on how to make a difference in the world.

Being the source of change does not necessarily mean doing something so monumental that one wins the Nobel Peace Prize or becomes instantly famous. Most people who make the largest impact give from the heart and rarely receive recognition for the work they do. Doing it for the fame is not giving from the heart, but when one has the right spark, their small action could be the beginning of a big fire.

The first step to changing others is to first take a look into one's own heart. By understanding one's personal stance on various issues, limitations and moral boundaries, it will be easier to known where to start working. This insight helps a person know what weaknesses to work on and which strengths they can utilize to achieve the best results.

Volunteering is an easy and selfless way to touch the lives of others each day in ways one may not even realizing they are doing. Making time to serve in places like soup kitchens, home building, fund raisers and blood banks provide ample opportunity to give back and create change. One may also choose to impact the environment by actively recycling, cleaning roadsides or joining an activist group.

Perhaps one of the most infectious actions one can share is a simple act of kindness. When one receives unselfish encouragement, even a few gentle words, it touches something inside that sparks the need to give it to another. Before long it is like a snowball rolling downhill, growing as it goes and reaching more people than ever expected.

The hope of a brighter future lies with the youth of today. Volunteering for organizations that teach children productive ways to channel their energy and use their talents affects changes that are quite far reaching. When the young ones have positive experiences, they emulate the actions of those who provided that influence and pass that along to their friends, family and eventually their own offspring.

Caring for the disabled or the elderly is another way to make a difference to a very treasured part of the world. Showing kindness towards those who are unable to tend to their own matters is a sign of a heart that not only talks of change, but acts on it. The elderly are valued members of society and literally hold history in their minds, stories and adventures that made their own mark.

Knowing how to make a difference in the world is as simple as understanding one's passions and strengths and acting upon them. The smallest things have the potential to make the biggest impact as their influence grows from one person to another. A single voice speaking about something they strongly believe in can have the power to start a choir that can sing for results.

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