Monday, November 5, 2012

Increase Your Website's Crawl Rate - The Best Methods for Reaching Your Goals

By Roberto Beasley

If you are going for a first page ranking in the engines, then think hard about what you are doing for your crawl rate. You can do low value work to affect this process, or learn solid information that works. The thing about this is there is not one single thing other than frequent updating but that is only a big part of it. If you are new, then this is probably all new to you, but that is all right because you can learn. We have offered a few solid tips for you that will give you a better idea.

If you did not specifically address your site's linking format to be very friendly, then that will be a problem. By linking the internal pages on your site, you're actually giving a strong positive signal to Google. However, make sure you're maintaining the relevancy factor because if your pages aren't relevantly linked, it'll have a negative impact. The nice thing about blog plugins is they will help you out with your internal linking with related articles and such. Indeed, there is a plugin that will put links to related articles at the bottom of each post.

You then have to look at how fast or slow your site is loading as well as page optimization. If you were not careful about how many images you put on a page, then be sure to test it out and make sure it is all right. Treat each page of your site with utmost care to see to it that it's tightly optimized. You can find free apps on the web that will test your site speed and let you know how it ranks. Remember who your readers are, and those are the people you want to really take care of the most.

The rate at which you update your website or your blog content is incredibly important. Make sure you are updating it with new and useful content on a regular basis. This is particularly true for blogs and bloggers because blogs are supposed to be as updated as possible. Even itty bitty updates can make great big differences. If you don't have anything for your updates, go out there and find something that is worth writing about. If you can't find anything worthy, ask another blogger to submit a guest post. Updating your website frequently with fresh content is definitely going to take you places for your SEO. If you want the bots to come and visit your website a lot then it needs to be updated a lot.

There you are! A few quick and easy things that you can do to raise your blog or website's crawl rate and increase your success. Look at things in terms of SEO--you'll see that a better crawl rate can really help you with your traffic flow. You will be able to share a much better relationship with Google. You are going to find that more of your pages are ranked and indexed. However, see to it that you're not doing anything unethical to achieve this. Google doesn't like sites that use spammy means to achieve success. No matter what your site is about, make sure that you apply all of these tips to get good results.

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