Sunday, September 16, 2012

Can I Beat A DWI?

By Archibald Crawford

You need to get home from this party before it gets too late. In the back of your mind you know you shouldn't be behind the wheel but, well, your thinking ability is impaired and you do it anyway. Next thing you know you're walking the line with a flashlight in your eyes and a man in uniform on the other end. You stumble and now you're being placed in handcuffs and read your rights. He places you in the back of the squad car and you're left wishing you had taken a taxi.

You have the right to an attorney? Of course but it's that expensive? Do I need a lawyer to handle my DUI case or isn't this going to cost me enough as it is? There are many questions that may arise at such an event and money is a big one. You soon realize that DUI laws are complicated, state-specific and ever-changing. It can be daunting to understand the legal terminology itself much less be proficient at interpreting it. Whats more, an attorney may help you beat or reduce the charge itself. Without a lawyer that is extremely unlikely.

You need a qualified DWI attorney in your state to understand the most effective ways to represent you. Fortunately your state has attorneys capable of handling any case in DUI law. So should you hire a lawyer for your DWI legal problems? The answer is that you can't afford not to! There are methods used in each municipality a lawyer will use to have your problems dismissed or reduced. Of course they also know the other lawyers and judges working your case, and that can be a huge asset for you.

All our states have harsh penalties to stem drunk driving. From impounding your car, community service or even jail time, states are cracking down hard on offenders. You can even lose your job, face heavy court fees and fines costing thousands of dollars. Even first time offenders can lose their driving license, have difficulty obtaining insurance and even have a engine disabling device installed on their car to prevent driving. "You may even be forced to take driving classes paid for out of your own pocket," warns Ken Burns, a Newark DUI Attorney It can even restrict your ability to travel to another state. If its possible to circumvent all of these things by obtaining a specialized law professional, it's time to find the right one.

Everywhere you drive in U.S. DUI is illegal and enforced. Officers will test your breath, blood or urine to check your BAC and determine if you're under the legal limit. Every state also uses implied consent when obtaining a drivers license which waives your right to refuse a blood test. That means that if you refuse to have your BAC tested, you will be convicted anyway and likely face harsher penalties. An experienced DUI lawyer will review every single component of your case and the methods and machines used to obtain it. Any problems or inconsistencies can cause this evidence to be thrown out.

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